Community Day Celebrations

The Lord in His infinite Mercy and Grace gave us these premises and by His grace and despite all odds, we took occupation on 4th of June 1980.

As a church, we have then dedicated the day (4th of June) as a statue and a day of thanksgiving to the Lord.

What is a “Community Day?” and what is the significance of it?
Essentially, the day is defined by the name “Community”, its a day when we open our doors as a church and charity and celebrate with the Community, typically with a barbeque.

In the early 80’s and 90’s, we celebrated the day with a service of thanksgiving, however, in the late 2000’s, the celebration of the day (4th of June) still had the traditional service of Thanksgiving to the Lord but it also evolved further to take into context more of our missional objectives as a charity.

We still hold a service on the designated day, but we also now celebrate it with a “Community Barbeque”.

We use the day as a day of outreach and celebration. We invite the whole community to celebrate with us with fun and a lot of activities – bouncy castle for the kids, table tennis, play station, x-box and community football for the younger generation and those of us who simply want to take in the day and enjoy the barbeque with our visitors and guests.

The 2023 session was attended by Cllr Kam Adams of xxxxxc ward in Hackney.

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