Our Music Ministry

Music is a fundamental part of our worship to God in this ministry; it has always been and always will continue to be.

Our music ministry works in tandem and compliments our Evangelical ministry. One of the legacies that was left for this ministry by the late Apostle, was the legacy of music. Music enhances worship and we follow the lead of those in the Bible who used music effectively to offer an acceptable sacrifice (“Worship” in today’s world) to God, our Father in Heaven. 

People in those days, like David. King David called upon the singers and instrumentalists to accompany him in bringing the ark of God to its tent home…the Tabernacle of David!
In the book of I Chronicles 16 we are told about the musicians who were called upon to accompany the ark on its way to the tent David had pitched to house it until the building of the Temple could occur many years later under King Solomon. Verse 16, David commanded the Chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brethren as singers who should play loudly on musical instruments, on harps and lyres and cymbals to raise sounds of joy.

Verse 19 tells us of three singers, Heman, Asaph and Ethan, who were appointed to sound aloud bronze cymbals.
Verse 20 details those who played harps, verse 21 tells us of those who played lyres and verse 24 tells us those who blew the trumpets. The Bible also tells us in the book of Ephesians chapter 5:19 to use Psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs “singing and making melody to the Lord with all our heart”.

Music has always formed and has been an integral part of our worship, in fact there hardly is a service or gathering that we will have, that does use music in some form, be it a hymn, be it a chorus or be it a psalm as is inspired by the Holy Spirit. So music within our worship is fundamental, as it goes hand in hand, and it enhances our worship to our God.

Christ Apostolic Church (Bethel) UK has embraced music as a part and parcel of our daily worship or indeed worship at any given time. This has resulted in the creation of four (4) choirs within this ministry.

The Sunday Worship Choir perform all forms of music from choruses to hymns to psalms to traditional choruses, contemporary songs in a wide range of various languages typically Nigerian, Ghanian, English, Tanzania (Swahili) these are all performed by the Sunday Worship Choir during Sunday services. The Sunday Worship Choir embody the statement in Ephesians 5:19


The Reapers choir

The Reapers choir is a Gospel Choir and have performed in high profile places, events and venues.

The Hackney Community Gospel Choir

The Hackney Community Gospel Choir (HCGC) is a Community Choir for all age groups.

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